§ 16-45-5 - Acceptance and expenditure of federal funds.
SECTION 16-45-5
§ 16-45-5 Acceptance and expenditure offederal funds. The board of regents for elementary and secondary education is designated asthe agency of this state and shall have full and complete authority tocooperate with and enter into contracts and agreements with the federalgovernment, its agency, or instrumentality in all matters relating to thefurtherance of the establishment of vocational and technological schools andthe advancement of vocational and technological training programs and toperform any acts that may be necessary and to make application for, receive,and expend in accordance with any requirements, terms, rules, regulations, andconditions as may be established any grants, grants-in-aid, or funds authorizedor appropriated by Congress and made available for these purposes to the boardof regents for elementary and secondary education by the federal government orany agency or instrumentality of the federal government. The proceeds of grantsor funds received shall be paid to the general treasurer who shall place thefunds in a special account which shall be utilized for the purposes of thesegrants; and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or herorders upon the general treasurer for the payment of any sums or so much of thesum as may be required upon receipt by the controller of properly authenticatedvouchers. The board of regents for elementary and secondary education mayauthorize any state officer or employee to act as agent of the federalgovernment, as may be provided in any federal legislation within the purview ofthis chapter.