§ 16-45-11 - Legislative career and technical education commission established.
SECTION 16-45-11
§ 16-45-11 Legislative career andtechnical education commission established. (a) Commission established. There is hereby established a special jointlegislative study commission on career and technical education commission. Saidcareer and technical education study commission shall consist of twelve (12)members: six (6) members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives from among the members of the house of representatives, notmore than five (5) of whom shall be from the same political party; six (6)members shall be appointed by the president of the senate from among themembers of the senate, not more than five (5) of whom shall be from the samepolitical party.
(b) Purpose. The purpose of the career and technicaleducation study commission shall be to make a comprehensive examination of theissues relating to the governance, financing, and operation of the system ofcareer and technical education in Rhode Island in order to guide theimplementation of the recommendations contained in the Restructuring Career andTechnical Education in Rhode Island report as prepared and presented by thecareer and technical education task force (March 2000). The focus of the careerand technical education study commission shall include, but not be limited to,the following: to promote Rhode Island's education and economic development byproviding guidance for the development of a statewide system for career andtechnical education, utilizing effective and proven career and technicaleducation delivery models; implementing an effective system of governance,including protection for the student rights of those students interested inengaging in career and technical education; financing and maintaining state ofthe art equipment, facilities, and programming, including ensuring studentaccess to the same across the district and geographic boundaries; andstrengthening career and technical education programming designed to meet thelabor needs of Rhode Island business and industry, as well as to support andadvance Rhode Island's economy.