§ 16-45-1.1 - Declaration of policy.
SECTION 16-45-1.1
§ 16-45-1.1 Declaration of policy. (a) The overall mission of vocational education in Rhode Island is to developprograms and services from elementary level through secondary, postsecondary,and adult levels to prepare students for productive employment or additionaleducation without prematurely limiting them to a particular occupational oreducational choice.
(b) Vocational education is defined as a state approvededucational program below the baccalaureate level taught by a properlycertified teacher, designed to:
(1) Prepare individuals for gainful employment in recognizedand/or emerging clusters of related occupations;
(2) Assist individuals in making informed occupationalchoices; and
(3) Upgrade individuals already in an occupational field.
(c) Pre-vocational education is defined as instruction whichintroduces students to a variety of employment opportunities and whichfacilitates the process of choosing a career appropriate to a student'sinterest and aptitude.
(d) The following principles apply to the development andoperation of all vocational programs, activities, and services:
(1) Access. All youth and adults who choose vocationaleducation shall have access to those programs.
(ii) A public awareness program shall provide informationregarding state approved vocational programs to students and their parents intheir native language.
(iii) A full range of programs and supplemental servicesshall be provided for those students whose previous achievements andpreparation indicate that additional support is necessary for them to succeedin vocational education.
(iv) Admissions criteria and assessment procedures shallpromote equal access, enrollment, and participation in vocational programsregardless of age, sex, race, limited English proficiency, disadvantagement, ordisability.
(2) Purpose. (i) The purpose of vocational educationis preparation for direct placement into the world of work consistent witheconomic development needs and/or preparation for postsecondary education.
(ii) Vocational preparation aims at:
(A) The development of academic, technical, problem solving,critical thinking skills, and concepts related to a cluster of alliedoccupations as well as specific job entry requirements.
(B) Graduating students with an understanding of the totalenterprise of an occupational field and the ability to adapt to technologicalchange.
(iii) Vocational assessment, guidance, support services,bilingual resources, placement services, and transitional planning should beprovided to all students appropriate to their individual needs.
(iv) Student understanding of community needs, conditions ofemployment, and skills or attributes are best gained in the work environmentthrough cooperative education, and other work related programs of instruction.
(v) Vocational programs shall be organized for maximumarticulation between educational levels.
(3) Participation. There shall be broad representationand full participation in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluatingvocational programs.
(ii) A comprehensive and coordinated system of vocationaleducation can best be achieved by the collective action of many agencies ofwhich the school is the major one.
(iii) Vocational programs should be developed withparticipation from students, parents, educators, workers and representatives oflabor, community based organizations, business, and special populations.