§ 16-37-3 - Scholarship committee Members Meetings Officers.
SECTION 16-37-3
§ 16-37-3 Scholarship committee Members Meetings Officers. There is established the best and brightest scholarship committee, consistingof nine (9) members: one shall be the commissioner of elementary and secondaryeducation, or the commissioner's designee; one shall be the commissioner ofhigher education, or the commissioner's designee; one shall be the president ofthe Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, or the president's designee; one shallbe the president of the National Education Association of Rhode Island, or thepresident's designee; one shall be the president of the Rhode Islandassociation of school committees, or the president's designee; one shall be thepresident of the Rhode Island Association of Superintendents of Schools, or thepresident's designee; one shall be the executive director of the Rhode Islandhigher education assistance authority, or the director's designee; and two (2)shall be the parents of public or private school students, to be appointed bythe governor for a two (2) year term. The committee shall elect a chairperson,vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer for one year terms.