§ 16-32-30 - Geographic information system Laboratory.
SECTION 16-32-30
§ 16-32-30 Geographic information system Laboratory. The University of Rhode Island is authorized and empowered to establish inconnection with the university and within the department of natural resourcesciences a geographic information system laboratory with suitable facilitiesfor developing and maintaining a level of scientific and technical expertise inthe use of computer technology in the management of land related naturalresources. This will include maintaining a statewide data base of land relatedeconomic, physical, cultural, and natural resources and providing forcontrolled access of this database to the university community, other state,municipal, and federal departments and agencies, and the general public. Theuniversity shall, to the extent that facilities are available, offer coursesfor the training of students and the general public in methods and applicationsutilizing geographic information systems and shall perform applicationsresearch projects involving this technology at this laboratory. The universityshall cooperate with and provide technical assistance to the division ofplanning of the department of administration in the management of the statewidegeographic information system and shall advise other state, municipal, andfederal departments and agencies and the general public in its use.