§ 16-32.1-6 - Use of university name.
SECTION 16-32.1-6
§ 16-32.1-6 Use of university name. (a) The research foundation may use, in connection with its lawful business andactivities, the name of the University of Rhode Island and University of RhodeIsland's logo, informal seal and other symbols and marks of the University ofRhode Island upon prior written approval from the President of the Universityof Rhode Island.
(b) The research foundation will not authorize the use of theUniversity of Rhode Island name or symbols to any person or entity without thewritten approval of the president of the University of Rhode Island.
(c) The research foundation shall cease using the Universityof Rhode Island name and symbols upon notice to cease such use from thepresident of the University of Rhode Island, in which event, the researchfoundation shall cease such use immediately and will have ninety (90) days tobring such use to full closure.