§ 16-3-9 - Action by city or town on recommendations.
SECTION 16-3-9
§ 16-3-9 Action by city or town onrecommendations. Each city or town council of the respective cities or towns shall, upon receiptof a recommendation that a regional school district should be formed, and of aproposed agreement submitted in accordance with the provisions of §§16-3-4 to 16-3-8, and with the approval required by § 16-3-8, direct thecity or town clerk to cause the question of accepting the provisions of thisand the following sections and the proposed agreement or agreements to beplaced on the official warrant for the warning and calling of a special orannual financial town meeting or referendum to be held in either case withinsix (6) months after receipt of the recommendation by the city or town council,in substantially the following form:
"Shall the city or town accept the provisions of chapter 3 oftitle 16, providing for the establishment of a regional school district,together with the cities or towns of ]]]]]]]] and ]]]]]]]], and theconstruction, maintenance, and operation of regional schools by the district inaccordance with the provisions of a proposed agreement filed with the city ortown council?"