§ 16-3-4 - Creation of planning committee Appropriations.
SECTION 16-3-4
§ 16-3-4 Creation of planning committee Appropriations. (a) Any city or town, by majority vote of its appropriating authority, maycreate a special unpaid committee to be known as a regional school districtplanning committee, to consist of three (3) members, two (2) of whom shall beappointed by the president of the city or town council and one of whom shall beappointed by the chairperson of the school committee; and shall at the samemeeting appropriate for the expense of the committee a sum, not exceeding onetenth of one percent (.1%) of the assessed valuation of the city or town in thepreceding year.
(b) The committee may consist of more than three (3) members;if this is the case then two-thirds (2/3) shall be appointed by the presidentof the city or town council, and the remaining members by the chairperson ofthe school committee.
(c) In cities and towns where the mayor or town administratoris directly elected, the committee shall be appointed in equal numbers ofmembers by the mayor or town administrator, president of the city or towncouncil, and chairperson of the school committee.