§ 16-3.1-10 - Regional center collaborative East Bay educational collaborative.
SECTION 16-3.1-10
§ 16-3.1-10 Regional center collaborative East Bay educational collaborative. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary,the school committees of the cities and towns of Barrington, Bristol, EastProvidence, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, Tiverton, andWarren are authorized and empowered to continue and/or initiate cooperativeefforts to provide educational programs and/or services on a collaborativebasis. The various school committees may assign and delegate to theirrespective school committee chairs or designee or superintendents of schools ordesignee, acting as a regional board of directors, any duties,responsibilities, and powers that the committees may deem necessary for theconduct, administration, and management of the East Bay educationalcollaborative.
Notwithstanding the above enumerated powers, duties andresponsibilities referred to above and in chapter 3.1 of this title, the EastBay Educational Collaborative, as a nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuantto the R.I. Nonprofit Corporation Act (RI Gen Laws § 7-6-1, et seq.),shall have the authority to:
(1) Purchase, take, receive, lease, take by gift, devise, orbequest, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use and otherwise deal inand with real estate, including their current site location, to wit, 317 MarketStreet, Warren, Rhode Island, or such other site as meets the administrativeand/or operational needs of the East Bay Educational Collaborative, subject tothe approval of five (5) of the eight (8) school committees of the memberdistricts of the collaborative or a majority of the school committees that aremembers of the collaborative at the time.
(2) Sell, convey, mortgage, finance, bond, lend, lease,exchange, transfer, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of its propertyand assets, both real or personal, subject to the approval of five (5) of theeight (8) school committees of the member districts of the collaborative or amajority of the school committees that are members of the collaborative at thetime.