§ 16-29-7 - Required attendance by persons over compulsory school age.
SECTION 16-29-7
§ 16-29-7 Required attendance by personsover compulsory school age. Every person who has completed sixteen (16) years of life and who has notcompleted twenty-one (21) years of life, and who cannot speak, read, and writethe English language in accordance with standards approved by the department ofelementary and secondary education, and who resides in a city or town in whichthe school committee has established a day continuation school for the teachingof the English language, or an evening school, shall attend either the daycontinuation school or the evening school at least two hundred (200) hoursbetween the first day of September and the first day of June in every yearuntil he shall have acquired reasonable facility in speaking, reading, andwriting the English language in accordance with standards approved by thedepartment of elementary and secondary education.