§ 16-26.1-2 - Advisory board.
SECTION 16-26.1-2
§ 16-26.1-2 Advisory board. (a) The powers delegated and authorized in this chapter for the board ofregents for elementary and secondary education and the department of elementaryand secondary education shall be in addition to those previously authorized byany other general or public law.
(b) The governance, funding, and programming of the RhodeIsland Vision Education and Services Program (hereinafter referred to asRIVESP) shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations formulated by theboard of regents for elementary and secondary education pursuant to chapter 35of title 42.
(c) The board of regents for elementary and secondaryeducation shall appoint the members of the advisory board from nominations madeby the commissioner of elementary and secondary education. The chairpersonshall also be selected in this manner. The board of regents for elementary andsecondary education shall determine the qualifications and terms of office ofmembers of the board of trustees. The advisory board shall be comprised ofeleven (11) individuals, not less than six (6) of whom shall be persons orparents of persons who are blind and visually impaired. The commissioner mayseek input on nominations of persons or parents, guardians of persons who areblind and visually impaired from organizations whose membership is primarilymade up of parents of blind and visually impaired individuals, individuals whoare blind and visually impaired, or organizations whose purpose is advocacy forindividuals who are blind and visually impaired, as well as from other sources.For purposes of obtaining input from diverse sources regarding suggestions fornominations for the first advisory board to be nominated by the commissioner,the commissioner shall convene a public forum to obtain broad input prior tomaking the initial nominations for the founding membership on the advisoryboard. No person in any way employed by or doing business for monetary gainwith the RIVESP shall be eligible for appointment to the board. The departmentsof education, health, human services, and the RIVESP shall serve ex-officio andbe nonvoting members.
(d) The board of regents shall establish strategic directionsfor the education of blind and visually impaired children in the state of RhodeIsland.
(e) The board of regents shall provide parameters for budgetrequests, recommend a budget, and participate in budget development.
(f) The commissioner of elementary and secondary educationshall recommend parameters for the overall budget requests, recommend a budget,and participate in budget development.
(g) The advisory board shall meet not less than quarterly andserve without compensation. Five (5) members of the advisory board shall berequired for quorums. They shall keep records of their meetings and reportannually on the educational progress of the Rhode Island vision and educationalservices program to the commissioner, board of regents and the generalassembly, and state library.
(h) The advisory board shall recommend to the RIVESP:
(1) The needs of the blind and visually impaired children inthe state of Rhode Island;
(2) The educational and service policies required to meet theneeds of blind and visually impaired children served by the RIVESP;
(3) Policy guidance and suggestions for budget development;
(4) Methods which ensure that all students are taught byeducators of the highest possible quality;
(5) Appropriate committees and/or workgroups as needed, toprovide guidance and feedback on the goals and outcomes of the RIVESP;
(6) Make themselves available to the board of regents,departments of education, health, human services and to the RIVESP in order toprovide a link between these agencies. The advisory board shall utilize as aguiding document to advise policy, and annually update, the "Special HouseCommission to Promote and Develop a Comprehensive System of Education forVisually Impaired Children, The Final Report, November 2005"; and
(7) The educational policies to meet the needs of the blindand visually impaired children and to advise on implementation of policiesestablished by the board of regents, and the RIVESP.