§ 16-25.3-2 - Employment of speech language pathologists.
SECTION 16-25.3-2
§ 16-25.3-2 Employment of speech languagepathologists. (a) Each school district is encouraged by the general assembly to employ onefull time certified speech language pathologist for every forty (40) studentswho receive speech language services within the age range of three (3) totwenty-one (21). In cases where the number of students receiving speechlanguage services is above forty (40), the school district is encouraged toemploy a speech language pathologist on a part time pro-rata basis.
(b) When a speech and language evaluation or the provision ofspeech language services are being considered or are part of the student'sprogram the speech language pathologist shall be a member of themultidisciplinary team.
(c) In the event an individual seeks emergency certificationfrom the department of elementary and secondary education in the area of speechlanguage pathology, the individual must meet the following minimum requirementsbefore the granting of emergency certification by the department of elementaryand secondary education:
(1) Hold a bachelor's degree in communicative disorders froman accredited college or university;
(2) Have successfully completed no less than eighteen (18)hours of graduate credit in the area of speech language pathology.
(d) Individuals under emergency certification to conduct thebusiness of a speech language pathologist shall be under the direct supervisionof a certified speech language pathologist. At no time shall a certified speechlanguage pathologist supervise more than one emergency certified speechlanguage pathologist.
(e) [Deleted by P.L. 2007, ch. 73, art. 21, §4].
(f) [Deleted by P.L. 2007, ch. 73, art. 21, §4].