§ 16-25.2-4 - Teacher certification.
SECTION 16-25.2-4
§ 16-25.2-4 Teacher certification. The board of regents for elementary and secondary education shall requireteachers seeking certification to teach students who are deaf or hard ofhearing after July 3, 1995 to demonstrate competency in American sign languagein addition to the English language and communication competencies alreadyrequired for certification. The board shall adopt regulations, in accordancewith the provisions of the general statutes, to establish standards forassessing competency which are consistent with the standards adopted by theboard of examiners of interpreters for the deaf; provided, however, that theboard may, through regulation, require a demonstrated level of competency lessstringent than that required for interpreters. Teachers seeking certificationshall be permitted to meet the requirements imposed by this section during thethree (3) years of their provisional certification.