§ 16-24-2 - Regulations of state board.

SECTION 16-24-2

   § 16-24-2  Regulations of state board.– It shall be the duty of the state board of regents for elementary and secondaryeducation to set up regulations for the purpose of carrying out the intent ofthis chapter; and the regulations shall also be applicable in theadministration of all educational programs operated and/or supported by thedepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals, human services, andcorrections; the department of children, youth, and families and the board ofregents shall report to the attorney general for the purpose of enforcing anynoncompliance with its regulations for special education. The regulations shallinclude:

   (1) Criteria to determine who is to be included in thecategory of a child with a disability and all persons from the age of three (3)to twenty-one (21) years who are functionally limited to such an extent thatnormal educational growth and development is prevented must be included inestablishing the category of a child with a disability;

   (2) Minimum criteria for establishment and/or reimbursementof special facilities (such as public school classes, hospital schools, etc.)for each category of exceptionality;

   (3) Standard accounting procedures including a uniform systemof accounts for the determination of the cost of special education and standardreporting requirements, both subject to the prior written approval of theauditor general, and methods of reimbursement;

   (4) Teacher training recommendations and minimum teacherqualifications;

   (5) Transportation;

   (6) Provisions permitting parents, public education agencies,certified public school teachers, support personnel, and their authorizedrepresentatives to appeal decisions made pursuant to the regulations; and

   (7) Any other regulations the state board of regents deemsnecessary to implement this chapter.