§ 16-24-10 - Arrangements by cities and towns having small numbers of retarded children.
SECTION 16-24-10
§ 16-24-10 Arrangements by cities andtowns having small numbers of retarded children. Each city and town which contains fewer than eight (8) mentally retarded minorsmay contract with another city or town for the education of the minors or mayestablish a special class pursuant to the previous provision with the consentof the board of regents for elementary and secondary education. In the eventthat a city or town does not establish a class for fewer than eight (8)mentally retarded minors or contract with another city or town, then the cityor town shall contract with a suitable day school for instruction adapted tothe mental attainments of the minors; provided that the day schools shall besubject to the regulations and supervision of the state board of regents forelementary and secondary education.