§ 16-22-24 - Dating violence education.
SECTION 16-22-24
§ 16-22-24 Dating violence education. (a) Each school district shall incorporate dating violence education that isage-appropriate into the annual health curriculum framework for students ingrades seven (7) through twelve (12).
(1) Dating violence education shall include, but not belimited to, defining dating violence, recognizing dating violence warning signsand characteristics of healthy relationships. Additionally, students shall beprovided with the school district's dating violence policy as provided insubsection 16-21-30(c).
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(i) "Dating violence" means a pattern of behavior where oneperson uses threats of, or actually uses, physical, sexual, verbal or emotionalabuse to control his or her dating partner.
(ii) "Dating partner" means any person involved in anintimate association with another primarily characterized by the expectation ofaffectionate involvement whether casual, serious or long-term.
(iii) "At school" means in a classroom, on or immediatelyadjacent to such school premises, on a school bus or other school-relatedvehicle, at an official school bus stop, or at any school sponsored activity orevent whether or not it is on school grounds.
(3) To assist school districts in developing a datingviolence education program, the department of education shall review andapprove the grade level topics relating to dating violence and healthyrelationships in the "health literacy for all students: the Rhode Island healtheducation framework."
(4) The provisions of this section shall be amended in thehealth education curriculum sections of the Rhode Island rules and regulationsfor school health programs, R16-21-SCHO, and the Rhode Island basic educationprogram at their next revisions.
(b) Upon written request to the school principal, a parent orlegal guardian of a pupil less than eighteen (18) years of age, within areasonable period of time after the request is made, shall be permitted toexamine the dating violence education program instruction materials at theschool in which his or her child is enrolled.