§ 16-22-18 - Health and family life courses.
SECTION 16-22-18
§ 16-22-18 Health and family life courses. (a) Every secondary school teaching courses in family life or sex educationwithin this state shall include, as part of the course instruction, abstinencefrom sexual activity and refraining from sexual intercourse as the preferredmethod of pregnancy prevention and the prevention of sexually transmitteddiseases.
(b) Upon written request to the school principal, a pupil notless than eighteen (18) years of age or a parent or legal guardian of a pupilless than eighteen (18) years of age, within a reasonable period of time afterthe request is made, shall be permitted to examine the curriculum programinstruction materials at the school in which his or her child is enrolled.
(c) A parent or legal guardian may exempt his or her childfrom the program by written directive to the principal of the school. No childso exempted shall be penalized academically by reason of the exemption.