§ 16-21-9 - Health examinations and dental screenings Reports Records.
SECTION 16-21-9
§ 16-21-9 Health examinations and dentalscreenings Reports Records. (a) Each community as defined in § 16-7-16 shall provide for theappointment of a physician to make examinations of the health of the schoolchildren, who shall report any deviation from the normal, and for thepreservation of records of the examinations of the children. Each communityshall further provide for dental screenings by a dentist or licensed dentalhygienist with at least three (3) years of clinical experience, who shallreport any suspected deviation from the normal and for the preservation ofrecords of the screenings of the children. Each community shall notify theparents or custodians of children of conditions requiring professional orskilled treatment. The state commissioner of elementary and secondary educationshall provide blank forms and record books that he or she may deem necessaryfor the purposes of this section.
(b) Each community as defined in § 16-7-16 shall onlycontract with a licensed dentist for the provision of the dental screeningsservices required by this section. Dental hygienists performing the dentalscreenings pursuant to the provisions of this section shall do so under thegeneral supervision of the dentist liable and responsible under the contractwith the community.
(c) Except in emergency circumstances, referral by a dentistor dental hygienist of children screened pursuant to the provisions of thissection to a dental practice by which the dentist or dental hygienist isemployed and/or which the dentist owns shall be strictly prohibited. In theevent that a referral has been made in violation of this provision, thecommunity shall terminate its contract with the dentist. In the case of anegregious violation of the referral prohibition contained in this section, thatconduct shall be reported to the board of dental examiners.
(d) Each community shall provide to parents or custodians ofchildren who require professional or skilled treatment a list of both dentalpractices in the community which accept patients insured by Medical Assistanceand/or RIte Care and dental practices which provide services on a sliding scalebasis to uninsured individuals. The department of human services shall provideeach community with a list containing the addresses and telephone numbers ofboth dental practices which accept patients insured by Medical Assistanceand/or RIte Care and dental practices which provide services on a sliding scalebasis to uninsured individuals.
(e) Dental screenings for children in kindergarten, third,and ninth grade shall only be performed by a licensed dentist.
(f) All dentists or dental hygienists performing dentalscreenings pursuant to the provisions of this section shall meet with the oralhealth director of the department of health on a regular basis, as determinedby the chief.