§ 16-21-7 - School health.
SECTION 16-21-7
§ 16-21-7 School health. (a) All schools that are approved for the purpose of §§ 16-19-1 and16-19-2 shall have a school health program which shall be approved by the statedirector of the department of health and the commissioner of elementary andsecondary education or the commissioner of higher education, as appropriate.The program shall provide for the organized direction and supervision of ahealthful school environment, health education, and services. The program shallinclude and provide, within and consistent with existing school facilities, forthe administration of nursing care by certified nurse teachers, as defined in§ 16-21-8, as shall be requested, in writing, by the attending physicianof any student and authorized, in writing, by the parent or legal guardian ofthe student. No instruction in the characteristics, symptoms, and the treatmentof disease shall be given to any child whose parent or guardian shall present awritten statement signed by them stating that the instructions should not begiven the child because of religious beliefs.
(b) All Rhode Island elementary, middle and junior highschools that sell or distribute beverages and snacks on their premises,including those sold through vending machines, shall be required to offerhealthier beverages effective January 1, 2007, and healthier snacks effectiveJanuary 1, 2008 as defined in chapter 21 of this title.
(c) All Rhode Island senior high schools that sell ordistribute beverages and snacks on their premises, including those sold throughvending machines, shall be required to offer only healthier beverages andsnacks effective January 1, 2008 as defined in chapter 21 of this title.
(d) Schools may permit the sale of beverages and snacks thatdo not comply with the above paragraph as part of school fundraising in any ofthe following circumstances:
(1) The items are sold by pupils of the school and the saleof those items takes place off and away from the premises of the school.
(2) The items are sold by pupils of the school and the saleof those items takes place one hour or more after the end of the school day.
(3) The items sold during a school sponsored pupil activityafter the end of the school day.