§ 16-21-29 - Definitions.
SECTION 16-21-29
§ 16-21-29 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Healthier beverages" shall be defined as:
(a) Water, including carbonated water, flavored or sweetenedwith one hundred percent (100%) fruit juice and containing no added sweetener.
(b) Two percent (2%) fat milk, one percent (1%) fat milk,nonfat milk, and dairy alternatives, such as fortified soy beverages; plain orflavored, with a sugar content of not more than four (4) grams per ounce.
(c) One hundred percent (100%) fruit juice or fruit baseddrinks that are composed of no less than fifty percent (50%) fruit juice andhave no added sweetener.
(d) Vegetable-based drinks that are composed of no less thanfifty percent (50%) vegetable juice and have no added sweetener.
(2) "Healthier snacks" shall be defined as:
(a) Individually sold portions of nuts, nut butters, seeds,eggs, and cheese packaged for individual sale, fruit, vegetables that have notbeen deep fried, and legumes.
(b) Individually sold portions of low fat yogurt with notmore than four (4) grams of total carbohydrates (including both naturallyoccurring and added sugars) per ounce and reduced fat or low fat cheesepackaged for individual sale.
(c) Individually sold enriched or fortified grain or grainproduct; or whole grain food items that meet all of the following standardsbased on manufacturers' nutritional data or nutrient facts labels:
(i) Not more than thirty percent (30%) of its total caloriesshall be from fat.
(ii) Not more than ten percent (10%) of its total caloriesshall be from saturated fat.
(iii) Not more than seven (7) grams of total sugar (includesboth naturally occurring and added sugars) per ounce.
(3) "Added sweetener" shall mean any additive, includingnatural or artificial additives that enhances the sweetness of the beverage,including, added sugar, but does not include, the naturally occurring sugar orsugars that are contained within milk or fruit juice.
(4) "Snack" means a food that is generally regarded assupplementing a meal, including, but not limited to: chips, crackers, onionrings, nachos, French fries, donuts, cookies, pastries, cinnamon rolls, andcandy.