§ 16-21-28 - Health and wellness subcommittee.
SECTION 16-21-28
§ 16-21-28 Health and wellnesssubcommittee. (a) The school committee of each school district shall establish adistrict-wide coordinated school health and wellness subcommittee chaired by amember of the full school committee. The subcommittee will make recommendationsregarding the district's health education curriculum and instruction, physicaleducation curriculum and instruction, and nutrition and physical activitypolicies to decrease obesity and enhance the health and well being of studentsand employees.
(b) The school health and wellness subcommittee shall consistof members of the general public, a majority of whom are not employed by theschool district, including at least one parent, and are encouraged to includeteachers; administrator; students; community and school-based healthprofessionals; business community representatives; and representatives of localand statewide nonprofit health organizations. The subcommittee will be chairedby a member of the school committee.
(c) Nothing in this section shall preclude the schoolcommittee from reconstituting any existing district-wide volunteer committeesas the school health and wellness subcommittee so long as said committeemembership meets the requirements of this section.
(d) The school health and wellness subcommittee shall beresponsible for, but not limited to, development of policies, strategies, andimplementation plans that meet the requirements of the child nutrition and WICReauthorization Act of 2004. The school health and wellness subcommittee shallforward all recommendations regarding the district's health educationcurriculum and instruction, physical education curriculum and instruction,nutrition policies, and physical activity policies to the full school committee.
(e) Reporting shall be consistent with requirements of §16-7.1-2(h).
(f) The Rhode Island department of elementary and secondaryeducation and the Rhode Island department of heath will provide technicalassistance and support to the school health and wellness subcommittees on bestpractices, professional development on coordinated school health issues,suggested initiatives, and will support communication among the school healthand wellness subcommittees by sharing information on the activities, efforts,and experiences of subcommittees across the state.