§ 16-21-25 - Review of school safety plans Waiver.
SECTION 16-21-25
§ 16-21-25 Review of school safety plans Waiver. (a) Each city, town, or regional department school safety plan and schoolemergency response plans shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the schoolcommittee and updated as appropriate.
(b) The commissioner of elementary and secondary educationand school committee shall make each city, town, or regional department schoolsafety plan and school emergency response plan available for public comment atleast thirty (30) days prior to its adoption. All meetings of school safetyteams shall comply with the open meetings law pursuant to chapter 46 of title42.
(c) The commissioner of elementary and secondary educationmay grant a waiver of the requirements of §§ 16-21-23 and 16-21-24 toany city, town, or regional school department for period of up to two (2) yearsupon a finding by the commissioner that the town, city, or regional districthad adopted a comprehensive school safety plan or school emergency responseplans which are in substantial compliance with the requirements of §§16-21-23 and 16-21-24. Provided, however, no waiver shall extend beyond June30, 2003.