§ 16-21-14.1 - Vision screening.
SECTION 16-21-14.1
§ 16-21-14.1 Vision screening. (a) Upon entering kindergarten or within thirty (30) days of the start of theschool year, the parent or guardian of each child shall present to schoolhealth personnel certification that the child, within the previous twelve (12)months has passed a vision screening conducted by a health care professionallicensed by the department of health or has obtained a comprehensive eyeexamination performed by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist. Forchildren who fail to pass the vision screening and for children diagnosed withneurodevelopmental delay, proof of a comprehensive eye examination performed bya licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist indicating any pertinent diagnosis,treatment, prognosis, recommendation and evidence of follow-up treatment, ifnecessary, shall be provided.
(b) Any person who conducts a comprehensive eye examinationof a child in response to such child having failed a vision screening given inaccordance with the provisions of this section shall forward a written reportof the results of the examination to the school health personnel and a copy ofsaid report to a parent or guardian of such child and the child's primaryhealth care provider. Said report shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:
(i) Date of report;
(ii) Name, address and date of birth of the child;
(iii) Name of the child's school;
(iv) Type of examination;
(v) A summary of significant findings, including diagnoses,medication used, duration of action of medication, treatment, prognosis,whether or not a return visit is recommended and, if so, when;
(vi) Recommended educational adjustments for the child, ifany, which may include the following: preferential seating in the classroom,eyeglasses for full-time use in school, eyeglasses for part-time use in school,sight-saving eyeglasses or any other recommendations;
(vii) Name, address and signature of the examiner.
(c) The department of health in consultation with thedepartment of education shall promulgate regulations to carry out the purposesof this section, including the regular reporting to the departments of healthand education on the results of examinations provided under subsection (b)above.
(d) The commissioner of elementary and secondary educationshall provide a comprehensive report on the education of blind and visuallyimpaired children to the general assembly prior to March 1, 2009. The reportshall include, but not limited to, an overview of policies and programs; ananalysis of the effect that vision exam reports have had on improving educationfor children; and the comprehensive statewide vision education and servicesprogram; and recommendations. The commissioner shall provide an update of saidanalysis and report to the general assembly prior to March 1, 2012 and everythree (3) years thereafter.