§ 16-21-10 - Scoliosis screening.
SECTION 16-21-10
§ 16-21-10 Scoliosis screening. The school health program shall provide for the yearly screening or examinationfor scoliosis of all school children in grades six (6) through eight (8) andthe preservation of records of the screening or examinations of those children.The parent or guardian of any child in grades six (6) through eight (8) mayhave the screening or examination conducted by a private physician and theresults shall be made available to the local school department. Otherwise, thescreening shall be conducted by a certified nurse-teacher. The screening ofmale and female pupils shall be conducted separately. The parent or guardian ofany child who is found to have positive signs or symptoms of scoliosis shall benotified of the findings. However, the test shall not be required of anystudent whose parents or guardian objects on the ground that the test conflictswith their religious belief.