§ 16-2-9.2 - Joint purchasing agreements.
SECTION 16-2-9.2
§ 16-2-9.2 Joint purchasing agreements. Notwithstanding any other law or rule, any two (2) or more school committeesmay establish joint purchasing agreements between and among themselves or withthe Rhode Island Association of School Committees for the purpose of purchasinggoods and services. The Rhode Island Association of School Committees, actingon behalf of any school committees that are members of a joint purchasingagreement may seek the services of the Rhode Island division of purchases,department of administration, in procuring items necessary to the operation ofthe school district(s) and which items are common in usage to those procured bythe state, and the division of purchasers shall, upon request by the RhodeIsland Association of School Committees, furnish to its lists of supplies andequipment. The Rhode Island Association of School Committees and any consortiacreated pursuant to a joint purchase agreement under this chapter shall beentitled to all the rights and benefits set forth in § 37-2-56.