§ 16-2-18 - Selection of teachers and superintendent General control of schools Expenses.
SECTION 16-2-18
§ 16-2-18 Selection of teachers andsuperintendent General control of schools Expenses. The selection of superintendent, in any city or towns that do not unite for theemployment of a superintendent, and the entire care, control, and management ofall the public school interests of the several cities or towns, shall be vestedin the school committee of the several cities or towns, and they shall alsodraw all orders for the payment of their expenses; provided, that theseexpenses shall not in any fiscal year exceed the total of all revenueappropriated by the state or city or town or otherwise for the public schoolsunder the care, control, and management of the school committee. If, in anyfiscal year a school committee is notified that estimated expenses may exceedtotal available appropriations, the school committee shall adopt and implementa plan to maintain a balanced school budget, which plan shall provide forcontinuous regular public school operations consistent with the requirements of§ 16-2-2; provided, that in no fiscal year shall a deficit be permittedfor school operations. It is provided that, with the exception of the selectionof the superintendent, the selection and appointment of teachers and otherschool department personnel shall be made by the superintendent with theconsent of the school committee.