§ 16-2-11 - General powers and duties of superintendent.

SECTION 16-2-11

   § 16-2-11  General powers and duties ofsuperintendent. – (a) The superintendent of schools employed in accordance with the provisions ofthis chapter shall, under the direction of the school committee, have the careand supervision of the public schools and shall be the chief administrativeagent of the school committee. The superintendent shall have any duties as aredefined in this section and in this title and any other duties as may bedetermined by the school committee, and shall perform any other duties as maybe vested in him or her by law. In addition to the care and supervision ofpublic schools and the appointment of employees of the district, it shall bethe duty of the superintendent:

   (1) To implement policies established by the school committee.

   (2) To recommend educational plans, policies, and programs tomeet the needs of the district.

   (3) To recommend policies governing curriculum, courses ofinstruction, textbooks, and transportation of students.

   (4) To comply with provisions of federal and state law andlocal charter provisions and ordinances.

   (5) To have administrative responsibility for the schoolsystem.

   (6) To oversee the care, control, and management of schoolfacilities and equipment.

   (7) To appoint all school department personnel with theconsent of the school committee.

   (8) To administer the personnel function of the schooldepartment consistent with personnel standards, policies, and the table oforganization established by the school committee.

   (9) To provide for the evaluation of department personnel.

   (10) To prepare a school budget for consideration by theschool committee.

   (11) To authorize purchases consistent with the adoptedschool budget, policies and directives of the school committee, and applicablemunicipal policies, ordinances, and charter provisions.

   (12) To be responsible for keeping the records of the schoolsystem.

   (13) To report to the school committee on a regular basis thefinancial condition of the school system.

   (14) To be responsible for discipline in the school system.

   (15) To evaluate all schools within the school system and toreport to the school committee the conformity with regulations of the board ofregents and the policies, programs, and directives of the school committee.

   (16) To report to the school committee on the operation ofthe school system, including an annual report on the district's progress.

   (b) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit orinterfere with the rights of teachers and other school employees tocollectively bargain pursuant to chapters 9.3 and 9.4 of title 28, or to allowany school superintendent to abrogate any agreement reached by collectivebargaining.

   (c) If at any time during the fiscal year the superintendentof schools determines, or is notified by the city or town chief charter officeror treasurer, that the estimated school expenses may exceed all revenueappropriated by the state or city or town or otherwise for public schools inthe city or town, the superintendent of schools shall recommend to the schoolcommittee and shall, in order to provide for continuous regular public schooloperations consistent with the requirements of § 16-2-2 without regard tofinancial conditions, subsequently report to the city or town treasurer andchief charter officer what action will be taken to prevent an excess ofexpenditures, encumbrances, and accruals over revenues for public schools inthe city or town.