§ 16-19-6 - Proceedings against habitual truants and offenders.
SECTION 16-19-6
§ 16-19-6 Proceedings against habitualtruants and offenders. Every habitual truant, that is, every child who is required under §16-19-1 to attend school and who willfully and habitually absents himself orherself from attending school; and every habitual school offender, that is,every child who is required to attend school under the provision of §16-19-1, but who persistently violates the rules and regulations of the schoolwhich he or she attends, or otherwise persistently misbehaves in the schoolwhich he or she attends, so as to render him or herself a fit subject forexclusion; shall be deemed a wayward child as provided in chapter 1 of title14, and shall be subject to all the provisions of chapter 1 of title 14, andmay be proceeded against and dealt with as a wayward child in accordance withthe provisions of chapter 1 of title 14.