§ 16-16-7.2 - Peace corps, teacher corps, and volunteers in service to America – Credit.

SECTION 16-16-7.2

   § 16-16-7.2  Peace corps, teacher corps,and volunteers in service to America – Credit. – (a) Any active teacher who served in the peace corps, teacher corps, or involunteers in service to America may purchase credit for that service, up to amaximum of four (4) years. Any teacher on an official leave of absence forillness or injury shall be eligible to purchase the credits while on the leaveof absence.

   (b) The cost to purchase these credits shall be the fullactuarial cost as defined in § 36-8-1(9).

   (c) [Deleted by P.L. 2009, ch. 68, art. 7, §4].