§ 16-16-5 - Service creditable.
SECTION 16-16-5
§ 16-16-5 Service creditable. (a) In calculating "service", "prior service", or "total service" as defined in§ 16-16-1, every teacher shall be given credit for a year of service foreach year in which he or she shall have served as a teacher; provided, that anyteacher who through illness or leave of absence without pay does not serve afull school year may receive credit for a full school year of service by payingthe full actuarial cost as defined in § 36-8-1(9). Credit for leaves ofabsence shall be limited, in the aggregate, during the total service of ateacher to a period of four (4) years; provided, however, every teacher who hadbeen required to resign for maternity reasons may receive credit for maternityreasons by making contribution to the system upon her return to teaching theamount she would have contributed to the retirement system, with interest,based upon her expected compensation but for her absence due to maternityreasons.
(b) The retirement board shall fix and determine the timewhen and the conditions under which the payments shall be made.
(c) Any teacher who serves or who has served during a schoolyear at least three-quarters ( 3/4) of the number of days that the publicschools are required by law to be in session during the year shall be givencredit for a year of service for that year. In determining the number of daysserved by a substitute teacher the total number of days served in any publicschool of any city or town in the state may be combined for any one schoolyear. Any teacher shall be entitled to "prior service" credit for service priorto July 1, 1949, provided the teacher shall have been in service during theschool year 1949-1950. The teacher shall be entitled to service credit for anyyear subsequent to July 1, 1949, by making contribution to the retirementsystem the amount he or she would have contributed to the retirement system hadhe or she been a member, plus regular interest compounded annually to date ofpayment, payable at a time or in any manner that may be provided by the rulesof the retirement board.
(d) Any teacher employed in at least a half ( 1/2) programincluding a job share program shall remain a contributing member and shallreceive credit for that part-time service.
(e) In computing service or in computing compensation, theretirement board shall credit no more than one year of service on account ofall service in one calendar year.
(f) Notwithstanding any other section of law, no member ofthe retirement system shall be permitted to purchase service credit for anyportion of a year for which he or she is already receiving service credit inthis retirement system.