§ 16-16-25 - Eligibility for survivor's benefits Payment.
SECTION 16-16-25
§ 16-16-25 Eligibility for survivor'sbenefits Payment. A member's dependents or survivors shall be eligible to receive the benefitsprovided in §§ 16-16-25 through 16-16-38 if the member shall havemade regular contributions to the teachers' survivors benefit fund as providedin § 16-16-34 for a period of at least six (6) consecutive calendar monthsprior to his or her death or retirement, as the case may be. These benefitsshall be payable the first of the month following that month in whicheligibility for the benefits occurs and shall be paid at the same time as theregular retirement allowance payments are made. No payment shall be due for themonth in which ineligibility occurs. No widow's or mother's or domesticpartner's benefit payable under §§ 16-16-25 through 16-16-38 shall bereduced because of benefits payable to other dependents of the deceased memberunder the provisions of §§ 16-16-25 through 16-16-38.