§ 16-16-20 - Deduction of amounts received from workers' compensation or as damages.

SECTION 16-16-20

   § 16-16-20  Deduction of amounts receivedfrom workers' compensation or as damages. – Any amount paid or payable under the provisions of any workers' compensationlaw, or as the result of any action for damages for personal injuries againstthe state, on account of the death or disability of a teacher, shall be offsetagainst and payable in lieu of any benefits payable out of funds provided bythe state under the provisions of this chapter on account of the death ordisability of the teacher. If the value of the total commuted benefits underany workers' compensation law or action is less than the present value on anactuarial basis of the benefits otherwise payable under this chapter, the valueof the commuted payments shall be deducted from the present value of thebenefits, and the balance thereof shall be payable under the provisions of thischapter.