§ 15-8-20 - Bond.
SECTION 15-8-20
§ 15-8-20 Bond. (a) In a proceeding to establish paternity, when the alleged father hassubmitted to blood testing and the blood test results establish a ninety sevenpercent (97%) or greater probability of inclusion that he is the biologicalfather of the child, and upon motion, the court shall, after an opportunity fora hearing, issue a temporary order for child support payable into the registryof the court and to be held pending entry of judgment.
(b) In the event of a final adjudication requiring no paymentor payments in an amount less than those payments which have been made pursuantto a temporary order under this section, the alleged father shall be entitledto a refund of all or a portion of the amounts paid.
(c) The court at any time may require, in addition to thetemporary order described in this section, the alleged or adjudicated father togive bond or other security for the payment of any judgment which exists or mayexist in the future.