§ 15-3-15 - Marriages valid despite irregularities Penalty for marriage without compliance.
SECTION 15-3-15
§ 15-3-15 Marriages valid despiteirregularities Penalty for marriage without compliance. (a) No marriage solemnized before a person professing to have a license to joinpersons in marriage as required by this chapter, or professing to be a justiceof the supreme, superior, or family court, or a warden of the town of NewShoreham, or solemnized in the Society of Friends, or among persons professingthe Jewish religion or Baha'i faith according to their respective rites andceremonies, shall be deemed or adjudged to be void, nor shall the validity ofthe marriage be in any way affected by want of jurisdiction or authority in theperson or Society nor by reason of noncompliance with any of the requirementsof this chapter, if the marriage is in other respects lawful and has beenperformed with a full belief on the part of the persons so married, or eitherof them, that they have been lawfully joined in marriage.
(b) But whoever gives, or procures to be given, any falseinformation as to the requirements under §§ 15-2-1 15-2-10, orwhoever is married without duly proceeding as is required by chapters 1 3 of this title, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00).