§ 15-29-8 - Plan administrator obligations regarding enrollment.
SECTION 15-29-8
§ 15-29-8 Plan administrator obligationsregarding enrollment. (a) The medical notice shall be forwarded by the employer to the planadministrator. The plan administrator is obligated to provide health carecoverage of the child(ren) under the group health plan described in the medicalnotice within forty (40) business days of the date of the notice, or sooner ifreasonable.
(2) The plan administrator must complete the planadministrator response and send it to the issuing agency.
(3) If there is health care coverage available for thechild(ren), the plan administrator shall notify the non-custodial parent of thecoverage available and the effective date of the coverage and complete anyforms documents or information necessary to effectuate and submit claims forthe coverage.
(4) If there is more than one option available for healthcare coverage, the plan administrator must provide a detailed summary plandescription that describes all available coverages, including a default optioncoverage plan. The issuing child support agency must, in conjunction with thecustodial parent, select one of the available options within twenty (20) daysor the child(ren) will be enrolled in a default plan.
(5) If there has been no response from the issuing agency asto which option is selected, the plan administrator shall enroll the child(ren)in the default option coverage plan.
(b) The plan administrator shall notify the issuing agency ifthere is a waiting period for the participant. Upon expiration of the requiredwaiting period for enrollment, the plan administrator shall enroll thechild(ren) in the health coverage plan.
(c) If the plan administrator determines the medical noticedoes not constitute a qualified medical child support order, the reasons mustbe specified in the response.