§ 15-24-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 15-24-3
§ 15-24-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Compensation" means payment owed by the employer for:
(i) Labor or services rendered by an employee; or
(ii) Benefits including, but not limited to, vacation,holiday, and sick leave, and severance payments which are due an employee underan agreement with the employer or under a policy of the employer.
(2) "Date of hire" means the date of commencement ofemployment, but no later than the first day for which the employee is eligiblefor compensation.
(3) "Days" means calendar days.
(4) "Department" means the department of administration,division of taxation, or its designee.
(5) "Dependent" includes a spouse or child or any otherperson who is in need of or entitled to support from a person who is declaredto be legally liable for the support of that dependent.
(6) "Employee" means a natural person who performs labor inthis state and is employed by an employer in this state for compensation andfor whom the employer withholds federal or state income tax from the employee'scompensation.
(7) "Employer" means a person or entity doing business inthis state who engages an employee for compensation and for whom the employerwithholds federal or state tax liabilities from the employee's compensation.
(8) "Natural person" means an individual and not acorporation, government, business trust, estate, partnership, or other legalentity, however organized.
(9) "W-4 form," also known as the Employers WithholdingAllowance Certificate, the form issued by the Internal Revenue Service of theUnited States to record the federal income tax withholding allowance availableto each employer.
(10) "Rehire" means the first day for which an employee isowed compensation by the employer following a termination of employment lastinga minimum of twelve (12) consecutive weeks. Termination of employment does notinclude temporary separations from employment such as unpaid leave of absence,or a temporary layoff.