§ 15-23.1-604 - Choice of law.
SECTION 15-23.1-604
§ 15-23.1-604 Choice of law. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), the law of the issuingstate governs: (1) the nature, extent, amount, and duration of current paymentsunder a registered support order; (2) the computation and payment of arrearagesand accrual of interest on the arrearages under the support order; and (3) theexistence and satisfaction of other obligations under the support order.
(b) In a proceeding for arrears under a registered supportorder, the statute of limitation of this state or of the issuing state,whichever is longer, applies.
(c) A responding tribunal of this state shall apply theprocedures and remedies of this state to enforce current support and collectarrears and interest due on a support order of another state registered in thisstate.
(d) After a tribunal of this or another state determineswhich is the controlling order and issues an order consolidating arrears, ifany, a tribunal of this state shall prospectively apply the law of the stateissuing the controlling order, including its law on interest on arrears, oncurrent and future support, and on consolidated arrears.