§ 15-2-11 - Consent and procedure required for license to minors and persons under guardianship.
SECTION 15-2-11
§ 15-2-11 Consent and procedure requiredfor license to minors and persons under guardianship. (a) No minor or person under the control of a parent or guardian shall beallowed to give and subscribe to the information provided for in §§15-2-1 15-2-10, or shall receive the license provided for in thesesections, unless the consent in writing of the parent or guardian, given in thepresence of the town or city clerk or any clerk employed in that office, hasfirst been obtained; provided, that proof shall be submitted that the minor, ifa female, has attained the age of sixteen (16) years; and provided, that thisinformation may be given and subscribed to by a minor, if a female, who hasattained the age of sixteen (16) years, residing in this state upon the consentin writing of the director of public welfare of the town or city in which theminor resides, given in the presence of the town or city clerk or any clerkemployed in that office.
(b) In addition to the requirements in subsection (a) of thissection, no license shall be issued to any minor, if a female under the age ofsixteen (16) years, and if a male under the age of eighteen (18) years, unlessand until the following requirements have been complied with, and the town orcity clerk is directed in writing to issue the license by the family court:
(1) The town or city clerk, upon receiving informationprovided for in §§ 15-2-1 15-2-10, shall immediately transmita certified copy of the information to the family court. The court shallimmediately transmit a copy of the information, together with a written requestfor a complete investigation of and a report upon the advisability of theissuance of the license, to the department of human services. The departmentshall within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of the information, therequest, and the report file in the court its complete report in writing.
(2) The court shall then conduct a hearing in chambers todetermine the advisability of the issuance of the license and shall notify thetown or city clerk of its determination. The court shall have the power tosummon at the hearing any persons that it may deem advisable.
(3) The court shall also file the report and a notation ofits determination in the office of the clerk of the court, but any papers filedat the office of the clerk shall not be matters of public record and may beexamined only upon the written authorization of the court.
(4) During the pendency of the proceedings, the court shallexercise the authority of a guardian in respect to the minor or minors involved.