§ 15-18-3 - Membership.
SECTION 15-18-3
§ 15-18-3 Membership. (a) The commission shall consist of fifteen (15) members: three (3) of whomshall be members of the house of representatives, not more than two (2) fromthe same political party, to be appointed by the speaker; two (2) of whom shallbe from the senate, not more than one from the same political party, to beappointed by the president of the senate; one of whom shall be the chief judgeof the family court, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be thechairperson of the supreme court advisory committee on women in the courts; oneof whom shall be a magistrate of the family court to be appointed by the chiefjudge of the family court; one of whom shall be the director of the departmentof human services or his or her designee; two (2) of whom shall be attorneyswho are members of the family court bench bar committee to be appointed by thechairperson of the committee; one of whom shall be the chief counsel of thelegal aid society; one of whom shall be a member of a child support advocacygroup to be appointed by the governor; and two (2) members of the generalpublic who, at their time of appointment, are custodial parents to be appointedby the governor. Members from the family court bench bar committee, membersfrom the general public, and the member from the child support advocacy groupshall serve two (2) year terms.
(b) Any vacancy on the commission shall be filled by theappointing authority in the same manner as the original appointment.
(c) The members shall annually elect, by majority vote, oneof the members as chairperson, one of the members as vice-chairperson, and oneof the members as secretary.