§ 14-6.2-2 - Amendment to compact.

SECTION 14-6.2-2

   § 14-6.2-2  Amendment to compact. –The governor is authorized and directed to execute with any other state legallyjoining, an amendment to the compact in substantially the following form:

   (1) This amendment shall provide additional remedies, andshall be binding only as among and between those party state [states]which specifically execute the same.

   (2) All provisions and procedures of Articles V and VI of theinterstate compact on juveniles shall be construed to apply to any juvenilecharged with being a delinquent by reason of a violation of any criminal law.Any juvenile, charged with being a delinquent by reason of violating anycriminal law, shall be returned to the requesting state upon a requisition tothe state where the juvenile may be found. A petition in the case shall befiled in a court of competent jurisdiction in the requesting state where theviolation of criminal law is alleged to have been committed. The petition maybe filed regardless of whether the juvenile has left the state before or afterthe filing of the petition. The requisition described in Article V of thecompact shall be forwarded by the judge of the court in which the petition hasbeen filed.