§ 14-5-7 - Parental refusal Custodial treatment.
SECTION 14-5-7
§ 14-5-7 Parental refusal Custodialtreatment. (a) In the event that a minor voluntarily seeks custodial or invasivetreatment, a qualified professional determines that that treatment is in thebest interest of the minor, and the minor's parents refuse to consent totreatment, the minor, or anyone on his or her behalf, may petition the familycourt for approval of treatment.
(b) A judge of the family court shall, upon petition andafter an appropriate hearing, authorize custodial or invasive treatment if thejudge determines that the child is mature and capable of making his or herdecision as to the need for treatment, or if the judge determines that thechild is not mature but that the custodial invasive treatment requested by thechild would be in the child's best interests.
(c) A child may participate in the hearing on his or her ownbehalf and shall be represented in the proceeding by legal counsel. Proceedingsin the family court under this section shall be confidential and shall be givenprecedence over other pending matters, so that the court may reach a decisionpromptly and without delay so as to serve the best interests of the child.
(d) A judge of the family court who conducts proceedingsunder this section shall make in writing specific factual findings and legalconclusions supporting his or her decision and shall order a record of theevidence to be maintained, including his or her own findings and conclusions.