§ 14-1-67 - Revocation or denial of motor vehicle operator's license upon finding of delinquency or waywardness.

SECTION 14-1-67

   § 14-1-67  Revocation or denial of motorvehicle operator's license upon finding of delinquency or waywardness. –(a) If the court finds that a child is delinquent, by reason of having violatedany provision of chapter 28 of title 21 or is wayward in accordance with §14-1-3(9)(i) – (9)(v), the court, in addition to any other penalty orpunishment imposed, may prepare and send to the division of motor vehicles,within twenty-four (24) hours of the determination of delinquency orwaywardness, an order of denial or an order of revocation of the drivingprivileges of the child found delinquent or wayward and/or may require thechild to perform up to one hundred (100) hours of community restitution.

   (b) The court may review the order and may withdraw the orderat any time the court deems appropriate, except the court may not withdraw anorder for a period of ninety (90) days following issuance of the order.