§ 14-1-5 - Exclusive jurisdiction.

SECTION 14-1-5

   § 14-1-5  Exclusive jurisdiction. –The court shall, as set forth in this chapter, have exclusive originaljurisdiction in proceedings:

   (1) Concerning any child residing or being within the statewho is: (i) delinquent; (ii) wayward; (iii) dependent; (iv) neglected; or (v)mentally disabled, except that any person aged seventeen (17) years of age orolder who is charged with a delinquent offense involving murder, first degreesexual assault, or assault with intent to commit murder shall not be subject tothe jurisdiction of the family court if, after a hearing, the family courtdetermines that probable cause exists to believe that the offense charged hasbeen committed and that the person charged has committed the offense. Thefamily court shall conduct a hearing within ten (10) days of the arraignment onthe charge(s), unless the time for the hearing is extended by the court forgood cause shown;

   (2) Concerning adoption of children;

   (3) To determine the paternity of any child alleged to havebeen born out of wedlock and to provide for the support and disposition of thatchild in case that child or its mother has residence within the state;

   (4) Relating to child marriages, as prescribed by §15-2-11; and

   (5) Referred to the court in accordance with the provisionsof § 14-1-28.