§ 14-1-28 - Transfer of cases from other courts.

SECTION 14-1-28

   § 14-1-28  Transfer of cases from othercourts. – If, during the pendency of a criminal or quasi-criminal charge against anyperson in any other court it shall be ascertained that the person was under theage of eighteen (18) years at the time of committing the alleged offense, itshall be the duty of the court to immediately transfer the case, together withall the papers, documents, and records of testimony connected with the case, tothe family court. The court making the transfer shall order the child to betaken immediately to the family court or to the place of detention designatedby the family court, or release the child in the custody of some suitableperson, to appear before the family court at a time designated by the familycourt. The family court shall upon the transfer proceed to hear and dispose ofthe case in the same manner as if it had been instituted in that court in thefirst instance.