§ 14-1-26 - Separation from adult offenders.

SECTION 14-1-26

   § 14-1-26  Separation from adult offenders.– In case a delinquent or wayward child is taken into custody or detained beforeor after the filing of a petition, or pending a hearing on the petition, thechild shall not be confined in any prison, jail, lockup, or reformatory, or betransported with, or compelled or permitted to associate or mingle with,criminal, vicious, or dissolute persons, but shall be kept under the care ofthe person arresting the child, or of a police matron as provided in §14-1-24, until by order of the court other disposition is made of the child asprovided in this chapter; and if the child is ordered to be detained orconfined in any of the institutions mentioned in this chapter, the child shallnot be conveyed to or from the institution with adult offenders.