§ 14-1-10 - Preliminary investigation on information furnished to court.

SECTION 14-1-10

   § 14-1-10  Preliminary investigation oninformation furnished to court. – Except in case of emergency detention, whenever any appropriate person shallgive to the court information in his or her possession that a child is withinthe provisions of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the court to make apreliminary investigation to determine whether the interests of the public orof the child require that further action be taken, and to report its findingstogether with a statement of the facts to the judge. The inquiry may include apreliminary investigation of the home and environmental situation of the child,his or her previous history, and the circumstances which were the subject ofthe information. To avoid duplication of effort and to take full advantage ofall existing facilities, the report of any public agency, or of any privatesocial agency licensed by the department of children, youth, and families, maybe accepted by the court as sufficient evidence for the filing of a petition.