§ 13-7-3 - Vocational training opportunities Production of goods or services.
SECTION 13-7-3
§ 13-7-3 Vocational training opportunities Production of goods or services. (a) The director of the department of corrections may establish within any ofthe institutions under his or her control vocational training programs, andprograms for the actual manufacture, assembly, repair, fabrication, servicing,and production of commercially saleable commodities and services.
(b) The director or his or her designee may permit privatepersons, firms, or corporations, to establish and maintain the training andproduction activities within any of the institutions under his or hermanagement and control, upon any terms and conditions that the director shallapprove.
(c) In respect to the actual production of goods or services,as distinct from training programs, the director or his or her designee shallcause the inmates who participate in those programs to be paid by any privateperson, firm, or corporation, the minimum wage then and there prevailing inthis state, and shall attempt, so far as may be feasible and practicable, tocause the inmates to be paid the prevailing wage for similar types of workcurrently obtained within the state.
(d) The director or his or her designee is authorized, if heor she deems it necessary, to waive workers' compensation coverage, temporarydisability insurance coverage, and other types of fringe benefits in respect toinmates who participate in these programs.
(e) No inmate shall be required to participate in any programwithout his or her consent.