§ 12-6-7.1 - Service of arrest warrants.
SECTION 12-6-7.1
§ 12-6-7.1 Service of arrest warrants.– (a) Whenever any judge of any court shall issue his or her warrant against anyperson for failure to appear or comply with a court order, or for failure tomake payment of a court ordered fine, civil assessment, or order ofrestitution, the judge may direct the warrant to each and all sheriffs anddeputy sheriffs, the warrant squad, or any peace officer as defined in §12-7-21, requiring them to apprehend the person and bring him or her before thecourt to be dealt with according to law; and the officers shall obey andexecute the warrant, and be protected from obstruction and assault in executingthe warrant as in service of other process. The person apprehended shall, inaddition to any other costs incurred by him or her, be ordered to pay a fee forservice of this warrant in the sum of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125).Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of the above fee collected as a result of awarrant squad arrest shall be divided among the local law enforcement agenciesassigned to the warrant squad. Any person apprehended on a warrant for failureto appear for a cost review hearing in the superior court may be released uponposting with a justice of the peace the full amount due and owing in courtcosts as described in the warrant or bail in an other amount or form that willensure the defendant's appearance in the superior court at an ability to payhearing, in addition to the one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) warrantassessment fee described above. Any person detained as a result of the actionsof the justice of the peace in acting upon the superior court cost warrantshall be brought before the superior court at its next session. Such moniesshall be delivered by the justice of the peace to the court issuing the warranton the next court business day.
(b) Any person arrested pursuant to a warrant issued by amunicipal court may be presented to a judge of the district court, or a justiceof the peace authorized to issue warrants pursuant to § 12-10-2, forrelease on personal recognizance or bail when the municipal court is not insession. The provisions of this section shall apply only to criminal and notcivil cases pending before the courts.
(c) Any person arrested pursuant to a warrant issuedhereunder shall:
(1) be immediately brought before the court;
(2) if the court is not in session then the person shall bebrought before the court at its next session;
(3) be afforded a review hearing on his/her ability to paywithin forty-eight (48) hours; and
(4) if the court is not in session at the time of the arrest,a review hearing on his/her ability to pay will be provided at the time for thefirst court appearance, as set forth in subsection (c)(3) of this section.