§ 12-3-5 - Offenses in vicinity of county or division boundary Offenses at sea Offenses aboard steamboat or train.
SECTION 12-3-5
§ 12-3-5 Offenses in vicinity of county ordivision boundary Offenses at sea Offenses aboard steamboat ortrain. A criminal offense committed on or within one hundred (100) rods of theboundary line of two (2) counties may be alleged to have been committed and maybe prosecuted and proceeded against in either county unless otherwise orderedby the presiding justice, and if committed on or within fifty (50) rods of theboundary line of two (2) divisions of the district court, it may be alleged tohave been committed and may be proceeded against and prosecuted in eitherdivision unless otherwise ordered by the chief judge pursuant to §12-3-4(c). A criminal offense committed upon the sea within one league of theshore may be prosecuted and punished in any county. A criminal offensecommitted upon a steamboat or a railroad car may be alleged to have been socommitted without specifying the division of the district court or county inwhich it was committed, and may be prosecuted and proceeded against in anycounty or in any division.