§ 12-25-21 - Nature of compensation.
SECTION 12-25-21
§ 12-25-21 Nature of compensation. (a) The office may award compensation under this chapter for:
(1) Expenses actually and reasonably incurred as a result ofthe personal injury or death of the victim;
(2) Pecuniary loss to the dependents of the deceased victim;
(3) Any other pecuniary loss resulting from the personalinjury or death of the victim, the amount of which the office finds upon theevidence to be reasonable and necessary;
(4) The administrator may issue a supplemental award forcompensation for additional medical expenses, including psychiatric care andmental health counseling, provided that the victim provides properdocumentation that the additional medical expenses have been actually andreasonably incurred as a direct result of the personal injury. Theadministrator shall issue a supplemental award as long as the total award doesnot exceed the maximum award allowable under this chapter; and
(5) The administrator may issue an award for expenses relatedto psychiatric care and mental health counseling for a parent, spouse, siblingor child of a victim who dies as a direct result of a violent crime as definedin this chapter, provided that the parent, spouse, sibling or child provideproper documentation that the psychiatric care and mental health counselinghave been actually and reasonably incurred as a direct result of the death ofthe victim.
(b) In determining the amount of the judgment or orderapproving a settlement, the office shall take into consideration the rates andamounts payable for injuries and death under other statutes of this state andof the United States, and the amount of revenue in the violent crimes indemnityaccount and the number and nature of claims pending against it. The officeshall make every effort to ensure that compensation awards are paid within six(6) months of the date of application.